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OCF will hold the Fall Field Staff Conference at beautiful White Sulphur Springs. Please complete your registration here.
Please register NLT 13 October.  Thank you and God bless your ministry. Please be  include all your guests and note the ages of children attending. This form should take you about 2 minutes.
The event begins with dinner on Sunday 27 OCT until breakfast Friday 1 NOV.


Summer 2020 B&B inquiry

If you'd like to take advantage of the Bed & Breakfast program at White Sulphur Springs, fill out the short form below and let us know which dates you're planning to visit so we can check availability. Be sure to leave either an email or phone contact information.

    In order to bless and serve all of our guests, we ask that if anyone in your family displays symptoms of fever or sickness, you call and cancel your reservation. WSS Office 814-623-5583
    I have read, do understand, and agree to abide by the policies of White Sulphur Springs as their guest.
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