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In the midst of uncertainty and the challenges we have all faced over the past year, it can be easy to feel discouraged, disappointed, and even defeated. But we must remember that we have hope regardless of life’s circumstances because of God our Savior! Our hope is not measured by the ups and downs of life. Our hope must be in Christ. With hope in the Lord, we maintain a confident and trust-filled expectation that God will keep His promises. His greatest promise of all is the eternal life He gives us through Jesus. He is the hope of all the ends of the earth (Psalm 65:5) and we get to know Him and proclaim Him! As we trust in the Lord and build our hope on Jesus, our hope can overflow both to those that we serve with and to those that we serve. Join us as we consider the theme “My Hope Overflows.”

We invite you to come to the Allegheny Sectional at White Sulphur Springs on February 22-24, 2021. Our desire is that you will be refreshed and encouraged as we are reminded about the hope we have in Christ. The conference combines spiritual encouragement, educational experiences, and fellowship with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ. Opportunities await you to learn and grow, to be refreshed and energized, and to build up others even as they encourage you through our time spent together. The conference will have a different dynamic this year due to the ongoing limitations of today’s COVID environment, but we look forward to being with you just the same. Keep an eye out for ongoing updates and we look forward to seeing you soon!

The linked button below will direct you to a new interface (RegPack) developed by the section cabinet to register for this year’s sectional, with the intent of using the same interface for future sectional meetings regardless of location.  With this new system, you will be able to use the same username and password to register for future sectional conferences, so please retain your login information.  Thank you for your patience as we utilize this new software—we hope that it will be a benefit to future events.

Joseph Preston


CCCA Allegheny Section

We look forward to hosting you at White Sulphur Springs during the CCCA Allegheny Sectional Conference in February 2021! We understand this upcoming iteration of the Sectional will look different compared to past conferences, and we want to share what we’re doing in response to today’s COVID environment and what we ask of guests attending programs at WSS. While we cannot eliminate all risks associated with COVID, we are confident that we can all take measures to reasonably reduce risk, allowing us to conduct ministry.

Here are some measures we have already taken or will take to reasonably reduce risk and protect our guests and staff:

  • Cleaning and sanitizing common areas, commonly touched surfaces, and public bathrooms frequently throughout the day
  • Making changes in our food service procedures, such as running buffet-style meals instead of family-style meals in accordance with state guidelines, to allow for greater guest safety at meal times
  • Establishing masking requirements for all staff and guests as we move around inside the Heritage House and when maintaining social distance is not possible
  • Adapting some of our program and scheduling to be mindful of the numbers gathering in any single room for an event

We ask guests who attend the Sectional to help us keep everyone safer by complying with the following guidelines:

  • Conduct a self-screening of everyone in your travel party before traveling to the Sectional. If anyone in your travel party is experiencing any COVID-like symptoms in the 96 hours leading up to your arrival or has knowingly been exposed to someone with a positive COVID test result within the past 14 days, we ask you to stay home and not travel to WSS.
  • Wear face masks or face shields when moving around indoors at WSS and when maintaining social distance is not possible.
  • Remain on WSS property for the duration of the conference and not travel to the local community for any reason other than a medical emergency until your scheduled visit at WSS is concluded.
  • Be aware and respectful of the fact that some guests are going to be more cautious or more casual in their approach to COVID.
  • Give grace. These changes to how we normally operate may not be comfortable, but our fervent prayer and hope is that the WSS staff can continue our 2021 retreats season. Your help in observing these guidelines not only helps protect the guests currently in the hotel but also helps ensure our ability to minister to the guests coming to the programs after the Sectional.
  • Remember that our policies are subject to change as guidelines and recommendations change.

Thank you for your understanding, your prayers, and your cooperation as we seek to conduct ministry in an ever-changing environment. See you in February!

In Hope,

Paul Robyn

Center Director

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center

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